
Monday, June 23, 2014

Design Pattern Principles

Design principles form the foundations that design patterns are built upon. They are more fundamental than design patterns. When you follow proven design principles, your code base becomes infinitely more flexible and adaptable to change, as well as more maintainable. I will briefly introduce you to some of the more widely known design principles and a series of principles known as the S.O.L.I.D. principles.

Common Design Principles

There are a number of common design principles that, like design patterns, have become best practice over the years and helped to form a foundation onto which enterprise-level and maintainable software can be built. The following sections preview some of the more widely known principles.

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

An all-too-common issue in software programming is the need to overcomplicate a solution. The goal of the KISS principle is concerned with the need to keep code simple but not simplistic, thus avoiding any unnecessary complexities.

Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)

The DRY principle aims to avoiding repetition of any part of a system by abstracting out things that are common and placing those things in a single location. This principle is not only concerned with code but any logic that is duplicated in a system; ultimately there should only be one representation for every piece of knowledge in a system.

Tell, Don’t Ask

The Tell, Don’t Ask principle is closely aligned with encapsulation and the assigning of responsibilities to their correct classes. The principle states that you should to tell objects what actions you want them to perform rather than asking questions about the state of the object and then making a decision yourself on what action you want to perform. This helps to align the responsibilities and avoid tight coupling between classes.

You Ain’t Gonna Need It (YAGNI )

The YAGNI principle refers to the need to only include functionality that is necessary for the application and put off any temptation to add other features that you may think you need. A design methodology that adheres to YAGNI is test-driven development (TDD). TDD is all about writing tests that prove the functionality of a system and then writing only the code to get the test to pass.

Separation of Concerns (SoC)

SoC is the process of dissecting a piece of software into distinct features that encapsulate unique behavior and data that can be used by other classes. Generally, a concern represents a feature or behavior of a class. The act of separating a program into discrete responsibilities significantly increases code reuse, maintenance, and testability.

The S.O.L.I.D. Design Principles

The S.O.L.I.D. design principles are a collection of best practices for object-oriented design. All of the Gang of Four design patterns adhere to these principles in one form or another.

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

The principle of SRP is closely aligned with SoC. It states that every object should only have one reason to change and a single focus of responsibility. By adhering to this principle, you avoid the problem of monolithic class design that is the software equivalent of a Swiss army knife. By having concise objects, you again increase the readability and maintenance of a system.

Open-Closed Principle (OCP)

The OCP states that classes should be open for extension and closed for modification, in that you should be able to add new features and extend a class without changing its internal behavior. The principle strives to avoid breaking the existing class and other classes that depend on it, which would create a ripple effect of bugs and errors throughout your application.

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

The LSP dictates that you should be able to use any derived class in place of a parent class and have it behave in the same manner without modification. This principle is in line with OCP in that it ensures that a derived class does not affect the behavior of a parent class, or, put another way, derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes.

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

The ISP is all about splitting the methods of a contract into groups of responsibility and assigning interfaces to these groups to prevent a client from needing to implement one large interface and a host of methods that they do not use. The purpose behind this is so that classes wanting to use the same interfaces only need to implement a specific set of methods as opposed to a monolithic interface of methods.

Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC)

Closely linked to the DIP are the DI principle and the IOC principle. DI is the act of supplying a low level or dependent class via a constructor, method, or property. Used in conjunction with DI, these dependent classes can be inverted to interfaces or abstract classes that will lead to loosely coupled systems that are highly testable and easy to change.

In IoC, a system’s flow of control is inverted compared to procedural programming. An example of this is an IoC container, whose purpose is to inject services into client code without having the client code specifying the concrete implementation. The control in this instance that is being inverted is the act of the client obtaining the service.

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