This course covers the foundational material needed to become
proficient using the Java language. It covers all of Java’s critical
elements, including language syntax, application construction and
deployment, applets, threading, and JDBC. You will learn how to
construct event driven graphical, console, and database applications.
You will also learn the ins and outs of object-oriented programming in
Java, from basic concepts to advanced topics such as interfaces. This
course provides a strong foundation in Java, enabling you to build Java
applications correctly and with confidence.
* Create, compile, and run Java applications.
* Use Java syntax, data types, operators, and class libraries.
* Implement object-oriented programming in Java.
* Handle errors and exceptions in Java.
* Connect and retrieve information from relational databases.
* Deploy a completed Java application.
* Use advanced Java object-oriented programming constructs.
* Create and use threads in Java.
* Build event-driven, graphical applications using the Swing application framework.
* Implement advanced JDBC concepts such as retrieving database meta-data, updating data, and building graphical data front end applications.
* Leverage the built-in Java class libraries.
* Build applets.
* Perform the basics of server-side web development in Java with servlets and Java Server Pages.
In this course you will learn how to:
* Install and configure the Java Development Kit.
* Create, compile, and run Java applications.
* Use Java syntax, data types, operators, and class libraries.
* Implement object-oriented programming in Java.
* Handle errors and exceptions in Java.
* Connect and retrieve information from relational databases.
* Deploy a completed Java application.
* Use advanced Java object-oriented programming constructs.
* Create and use threads in Java.
* Build event-driven, graphical applications using the Swing application framework.
* Implement advanced JDBC concepts such as retrieving database meta-data, updating data, and building graphical data front end applications.
* Leverage the built-in Java class libraries.
* Build applets.
* Perform the basics of server-side web development in Java with servlets and Java Server Pages.
Table of content
Introduction to Java
* JDK Installation and Setup
* Obtaining and Installing the SDK
* JDK Configuration and Troubleshooting
* Compiling Java Programs
* Running Java Programs
* Using Command Line Tools
* Running Applications
* Getting Help: Documentation
Java Syntax
* A Simple Java Application
* Variables
* Data Types
* Operators
* Using Strings
* Control Flow
Introduction to Classes and Objects
* Classes and Objects
* Defining Classes
Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming
* Packages
* Access Level Attributes
* Inheritance
* Polymorphism
Exception Handling
* Defined
* Syntax
* Exception Propagation
* Rethrowing Exceptions
* Instantiating Your Own Exceptions
* Exception Hierarchy
* Throws Clause
Introduction to JDBC
* JDBC Overview
* JDBC Driver Types
* Obtaining a Driver
* Example Database Application
* Important JDBC Classes
* The Java Client Environment
* CLASSPATH Revisited
* Using JAR Files
* Overview of Java Web Start
Advanced Java Syntax
* String Issues
* Arrays
* Parameter Passing Semantics
Advanced OOP
* final Revisited
* Abstract Classes
* Interfaces
* Inner Classes
* Anonymous Classes
* Cloning
* Important Methods: equals() and hashCode()
* Threading
* Managing Threads
* Communicating Between Threads
Introduction to Frames
* Introduction to Frames
* Layout Managers
* Creating Multi-Window Applications
Introduction to Swing: Part 1
* Swing vs. AWT Controls
* SwingSet
* JLabel
* JTextField
* JTextArea
* JButton
* JProgressBar
* JSlider
* JRadioButton/ButtonGroup
* JPanel
* JScrollPane
* JTabbedPane
* JSplitPane
* JOptionPane
Event Handling
* Event Handling Background
* Adapters
* Using External Classes
* Using External Classes with Parameters
* Using Frame Classes
* Using Inner Classes
* Using Anonymous Inner Classes
Introduction to Swing: Part 2
* The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
* Creating Models
Advanced JDBC
* Using ResultSetMetaData
* PreparedStatements
* Handling Keys
Files and Streams
* Understanding the File and Stream Hierarchy
* Byte Streams
* Text Streams
* Working with ZIP/JAR Files
Utility Classes
* Type Wrappers
* The Collections API
* Calendars and Dates
* Math
* NumberFormat
* Introduction to Applets
* Applet Restrictions
* Building Applets
* Deploying Applets
Introduction to Web Development
* Web Development in Java Overview
* Web Containers and Servlet Engines
* Building Servlets
* Building Java Server Pages
* Overview of Java Web Start
* JDK Installation and Setup
* Obtaining and Installing the SDK
* JDK Configuration and Troubleshooting
* Compiling Java Programs
* Running Java Programs
* Using Command Line Tools
* Running Applications
* Getting Help: Documentation
Java Syntax
* A Simple Java Application
* Variables
* Data Types
* Operators
* Using Strings
* Control Flow
Introduction to Classes and Objects
* Classes and Objects
* Defining Classes
Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming
* Packages
* Access Level Attributes
* Inheritance
* Polymorphism
Exception Handling
* Defined
* Syntax
* Exception Propagation
* Rethrowing Exceptions
* Instantiating Your Own Exceptions
* Exception Hierarchy
* Throws Clause
Introduction to JDBC
* JDBC Overview
* JDBC Driver Types
* Obtaining a Driver
* Example Database Application
* Important JDBC Classes
* The Java Client Environment
* CLASSPATH Revisited
* Using JAR Files
* Overview of Java Web Start
Advanced Java Syntax
* String Issues
* Arrays
* Parameter Passing Semantics
Advanced OOP
* final Revisited
* Abstract Classes
* Interfaces
* Inner Classes
* Anonymous Classes
* Cloning
* Important Methods: equals() and hashCode()
* Threading
* Managing Threads
* Communicating Between Threads
Introduction to Frames
* Introduction to Frames
* Layout Managers
* Creating Multi-Window Applications
Introduction to Swing: Part 1
* Swing vs. AWT Controls
* SwingSet
* JLabel
* JTextField
* JTextArea
* JButton
* JProgressBar
* JSlider
* JRadioButton/ButtonGroup
* JPanel
* JScrollPane
* JTabbedPane
* JSplitPane
* JOptionPane
Event Handling
* Event Handling Background
* Adapters
* Using External Classes
* Using External Classes with Parameters
* Using Frame Classes
* Using Inner Classes
* Using Anonymous Inner Classes
Introduction to Swing: Part 2
* The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
* Creating Models
Advanced JDBC
* Using ResultSetMetaData
* PreparedStatements
* Handling Keys
Files and Streams
* Understanding the File and Stream Hierarchy
* Byte Streams
* Text Streams
* Working with ZIP/JAR Files
Utility Classes
* Type Wrappers
* The Collections API
* Calendars and Dates
* Math
* NumberFormat
* Introduction to Applets
* Applet Restrictions
* Building Applets
* Deploying Applets
Introduction to Web Development
* Web Development in Java Overview
* Web Containers and Servlet Engines
* Building Servlets
* Building Java Server Pages
* Overview of Java Web Start
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