
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Java J2ee Complete Training

  • Java J2EE Complete includes 4 complete Java J2EE courses in one lower priced bundle
  • Learn the fundamentals of Java J2EE from installing a Java IDE to understanding variables and classes
  • Dive into Java J2EE GUI programming starting with AWT and Swing and going on to lessons on Applets and more
  • Learn about Java J2EE JDBC and Servlets through 4 information-packed levels
  • Even take Java J2EE training into the Advanced levels with 4 levels focusing on advanced topics such as advanced I/O, multi-threading, and Remote Java Objects

Table of content

1-Introduction to Java Programming Video Training Course
Course Highlights
* Set up a development environment to create Java applications.
* Learn the core elements of the Java language, including the syntax of Java, available operators, data types, variables and IF statements.
* Understand Java methods and object oriented concepts in creating Java applications.
* Define Java classes, hide information inside those classes, and document classes using the Java Documentation Facility.
* Create Java archive files.
* Work with Java strings, arrays and vectors.
There are over 170 lessons across 4 levels in this course ? all designed to give you an introduction to using Java 1.2.
2-Java GUI Programming Video Training Course
Course Highlights :
* Learn the basic elements required to create graphical application in the Java language including the AWT and Swing toolkits.
* Work with Swings text components and advanced table component to display data in grids.
* Develop and embed Java Applets.
* Make tree nodes editable and define custom tree cell editors.
* Use Swings Tree component to display data in a hierarchy.
* Customize dialog boxes and contextual pop-up menus.
Course Features :
There are 120 lessons across 4 levels in this course ? all designed to give you an introduction to the fundamentals of Java GUI programming.
3-Java JDBC and Servlets Video Training Course
Course Highlights
* Learn fundamental database concepts as well as the SQL language for a foundation on which you can create Java applications that use databases to store information.
* Walk through basic and advanced features of JDBC to equip you with the knowledge required for creating database-enabled Java applications.
* Learn the basics of hypertext markup language (HTML) using markup tags such as font style, HTML tables and forms.
* Learn how to create a web-based application using the Java programming language.
* Create Java servlets and work with both form processing and session management.
Course Features :
There are nearly 100 lessons across 4 levels in this course ? all designed to give you a strong foundation in the main areas of web application development: databases, SQL, HTML and Servlets.
4-Advanced Java Programming Video Training Course
Course Highlights :
* Understand the heart of the Java programming language ? Inheritance, and use it to create more customized classes.
* Work with advanced Inheritance features to use abstract classes and polymorphism.
* Use Java classes, including the Wrapper and Math classes and work with dates and times.
* Store groups of objects using the collections framework.
* Understand and implement the networking capabilities of the Java language.
* Develop client- and server-side network applications and send and receive email inside a Java application.

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