
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails, 2nd Edition

RailsTutorial – Ruby on Rails Tutorial Learn Web Development with Rails, 2nd Edition
The Ruby on Rails Tutorial, 2nd Edition book and screencast series teach you how to develop and deploy real, industrial-strength web applications with Ruby on Rails, the open-source web framework that powers top websites such as Twitter, Hulu, GitHub, and the Yellow Pages.
The Rails Tutorial screencasts contain dozens of tips and tricks to help you go beyond the Rails Tutorial book, including debugging hints, test-driven development techniques, and solutions to many of the book’s exercises (view a sample video or some free screencasts). And though the screencasts are carefully edited, I’ve left in some of the problems I encountered along the way, so that you can learn how to recover from the inevitable application errors – and see that even experts sometimes make mistakes.

New in the 2nd Edition

Fully updated for Rails 3.2 and Ruby 1.9
All-new design using Twitter’s Bootstrap
Coverage of the new asset pipeline, including Sprockets & Sass
Behavior-driven development (BDD) with Capybara & RSpec
Better automated testing with Guard & Spork
Roll your own authentication with has_secure_password
An introduction to Gherkin & Cucumber

Table of content

Chapter 1 From zero to deploy

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Comments for various readers

1.1.2 “Scaling” Rails

1.1.3 Conventions in this book

1.2 Up and running
1.2.1 Development environments
1.       IDEs
2.       Text editors and command lines
3.       Browsers
4.       A note about tools
1.2.2 Ruby, RubyGems, Rails, and Git
1.       Rails Installer (Windows)
2.       Install Git
3.       Install Ruby
4.       Install RubyGems
5.       Install Rails
1.2.3 The first application
1.2.4 Bundler
1.2.5 rails server
1.2.6 Model-view-controller (MVC)
1.3 Version control with Git
1.3.1 Installation and setup
1.       First-time system setup
2.       First-time repository setup
1.3.2 Adding and committing
1.3.3 What good does Git do you?
1.3.4 GitHub
1.3.5 Branch, edit, commit, merge
1.       Branch
2.       Edit
3.       Commit
4.       Merge
5.       Push
1.4 Deploying
1.4.1 Heroku setup
1.4.2 Heroku deployment, step one
1.4.3 Heroku deployment, step two
1.4.4 Heroku commands
1.5 Conclusion
Chapter 2 A demo app
2.1 Planning the application
2.1.1 Modeling demo users
2.1.2 Modeling demo microposts
2.2 The Users resource
2.2.1 A user tour
2.2.2 MVC in action
2.2.3 Weaknesses of this Users resource
2.3 The Microposts resource
2.3.1 A micropost microtour
2.3.2 Putting the micro in microposts
2.3.3 A user has_many microposts
2.3.4 Inheritance hierarchies
2.3.5 Deploying the demo app
2.4 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Mostly static pages
3.1 Static pages
3.1.1 Truly static pages
3.1.2 Static pages with Rails
3.2 Our first tests
3.2.1 Test-driven development
3.2.2 Adding a page
1.       Red
2.       Green
3.       Refactor
3.3 Slightly dynamic pages
3.3.1 Testing a title change
3.3.2 Passing title tests
3.3.3 Embedded Ruby
3.3.4 Eliminating duplication with layouts
3.4 Conclusion
3.5 Exercises
3.6 Advanced setup
3.6.1 Eliminating bundle exec
1.       RVM Bundler integration
2.       binstubs
3.6.2 Automated tests with Guard
3.6.3 Speeding up tests with Spork
1.       Guard with Spork
3.6.4 Tests inside Sublime Text
Chapter 4 Rails-flavored Ruby
4.1 Motivation
4.2 Strings and methods
4.2.2 Strings
1.       Printing
2.       Single-quoted strings
4.2.3 Objects and message passing
4.2.4 Method definitions
4.2.5 Back to the title helper
4.3 Other data structures
4.3.1 Arrays and ranges
4.3.2 Blocks
4.3.3 Hashes and symbols
4.3.4 CSS revisited
4.4 Ruby classes
4.4.1 Constructors
4.4.2 Class inheritance
4.4.3 Modifying built-in classes
4.4.4 A controller class
4.4.5 A user class
4.5 Conclusion
4.6 Exercises
Chapter 5 Filling in the layout
5.1 Adding some structure
5.1.1 Site navigation
5.1.2 Bootstrap and custom CSS
5.1.3 Partials
5.2 Sass and the asset pipeline
5.2.1 The asset pipeline
1.       Asset directories
2.       Manifest files
3.       Preprocessor engines
4.       Efficiency in production
5.2.2 Syntactically awesome stylesheets
1.       Nesting
2.       Variables
5.3 Layout links
5.3.1 Route tests
5.3.2 Rails routes
5.3.3 Named routes
5.3.4 Pretty RSpec
5.4 User signup: A first step
5.4.1 Users controller
5.4.2 Signup URI
5.5 Conclusion
5.6 Exercises
Chapter 6 Modeling users
6.1 User model
6.1.1 Database migrations
6.1.2 The model file
1.       Model annotation
2.       Accessible attributes
6.1.3 Creating user objects
6.1.4 Finding user objects
6.1.5 Updating user objects
6.2 User validations
6.2.1 Initial user tests
6.2.2 Validating presence
6.2.3 Length validation
6.2.4 Format validation
6.2.5 Uniqueness validation
1.       The uniqueness caveat
6.3 Adding a secure password
6.3.1 An encrypted password
6.3.2 Password and confirmation
6.3.3 User authentication
6.3.4 User has secure password
6.3.5 Creating a user
6.4 Conclusion
6.5 Exercises
Chapter 7 Sign up
7.1 Showing users
7.1.1 Debug and Rails environments
7.1.2 A Users resource
7.1.3 Testing the user show page (with factories)
7.1.4 A Gravatar image and a sidebar
7.2 Signup form
7.2.1 Tests for user signup
7.2.2 Using form_for
7.2.3 The form HTML
7.3 Signup failure
7.3.1 A working form
7.3.2 Signup error messages
7.4 Signup success
7.4.1 The finished signup form
7.4.2 The flash
7.4.3 The first signup
7.4.4 Deploying to production with SSL
7.5 Conclusion
7.6 Exercises
Chapter 8 Sign in, sign out
8.1 Sessions and signin failure
8.1.1 Sessions controller
8.1.2 Signin tests
8.1.3 Signin form
8.1.4 Reviewing form submission
8.1.5 Rendering with a flash message
8.2 Signin success
8.2.1 Remember me
8.2.2 A working sign_in method
8.2.3 Current user
8.2.4 Changing the layout links
8.2.5 Signin upon signup
8.2.6 Signing out
8.3 Introduction to Cucumber (optional)
8.3.1 Installation and setup
8.3.2 Features and steps
8.3.3 Counterpoint: RSpec custom matchers
8.4 Conclusion
8.5 Exercises
Chapter 9 Updating, showing, and deleting users
9.1 Updating users
9.1.1 Edit form
9.1.2 Unsuccessful edits
9.1.3 Successful edits
9.2 Authorization
9.2.1 Requiring signed-in users
9.2.2 Requiring the right user
9.2.3 Friendly forwarding
9.3 Showing all users
9.3.1 User index
9.3.2 Sample users
9.3.3 Pagination
9.3.4 Partial refactoring
9.4 Deleting users
9.4.1 Administrative users
1.       Revisiting attr_accessible
9.4.2 The destroy action
9.5 Conclusion
9.6 Exercises
Chapter 10 User microposts
10.1 A Micropost model
10.1.1 The basic model
10.1.2 Accessible attributes and the first validation
10.1.3 User/Micropost associations
10.1.4 Micropost refinements
1.       Default scope
2.       Dependent: destroy
10.1.5 Content validations
10.2 Showing microposts
10.2.1 Augmenting the user show page
10.2.2 Sample microposts
10.3 Manipulating microposts
10.3.1 Access control
10.3.2 Creating microposts
10.3.3 A proto-feed
10.3.4 Destroying microposts
10.4 Conclusion
10.5 Exercises
Chapter 11 Following users
11.1 The Relationship model
11.1.1 A problem with the data model (and a solution)
11.1.2 User/relationship associations
11.1.3 Validations
11.1.4 Followed users
11.2 A web interface for following users
11.2.1 Sample following data
11.2.2 Stats and a follow form
11.2.3 Following and followers pages
11.2.4 A working follow button the standard way
11.2.5 A working follow button with Ajax
11.3 The status feed
11.3.1 Motivation and strategy
11.3.2 A first feed implementation
11.3.3 Subselects
11.3.4 The new status feed
1.4 Conclusion
11.4.1 Extensions to the sample application
1.       Replies
2.       Messaging
3.       Follower notifications
4.       Password reminders
5.       Signup confirmation
6.       RSS feed
7.       REST API
8.       Search
11.4.2 Guide to further resources
11.5 Exercises

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